Prime Minister Narendra Modi, had embarked on another official visit to South Korea, after those to China and Mongolia. It was a visit that is not discussed often, but bears great significance as both the countries are up to celebrate this special friendship that dates back two thousand years ago.
History says that an Indian princess of the Kingdom of Ayodhya married a Korean king Kim Suro. Hence, such historic relations have strengthened further in the recent years.
Korea is emerging as an indispensable partner and friend that India cannot risk losing on its path towards growth and prosperity.
As one of the four Asian Tigers, South Korea has transformed itself dramatically from a country that was devastated by wars to one of the most advanced economies in a very short span of time.
The Korean companies such as Hyundai, LG, Samsung have become household names in India and have changed the everyday lives of Indian people. Both countries have taken advantage of this visit to remove all possible roadblocks or obstructions to India- South Korea economic cooperation.
As a manufacturing powerhouse, South Korea is considered to be an imperative partner that could provide significant support for India's attempt to increase manufacturing.
As a matter of fact, South Korean companies have already made large investments in the Indian manufacturing sector, and it is expected to increase only.
Defense manufacturing is another sphere where both, India and South Korea look to expand ties.
On the whole, economic relations and cooperation between these two countries will be profitable for both of them and will also contribute to the Asian economy.
Shivani Malhotra
History says that an Indian princess of the Kingdom of Ayodhya married a Korean king Kim Suro. Hence, such historic relations have strengthened further in the recent years.
Korea is emerging as an indispensable partner and friend that India cannot risk losing on its path towards growth and prosperity.
As one of the four Asian Tigers, South Korea has transformed itself dramatically from a country that was devastated by wars to one of the most advanced economies in a very short span of time.
The Korean companies such as Hyundai, LG, Samsung have become household names in India and have changed the everyday lives of Indian people. Both countries have taken advantage of this visit to remove all possible roadblocks or obstructions to India- South Korea economic cooperation.
As a manufacturing powerhouse, South Korea is considered to be an imperative partner that could provide significant support for India's attempt to increase manufacturing.
As a matter of fact, South Korean companies have already made large investments in the Indian manufacturing sector, and it is expected to increase only.
Defense manufacturing is another sphere where both, India and South Korea look to expand ties.
On the whole, economic relations and cooperation between these two countries will be profitable for both of them and will also contribute to the Asian economy.
Shivani Malhotra
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