Saturday, 18 July 2015


We got quite a lot of our bases wrong.
From god to religion and faith to humanity. Well, quite a lot. The definitions are so distorted.
Not withstanding the crores of population who is a firm believer in God, the atheists have a lot to say in the matter. Going to the base of where it all started, there's a huge contradiction. 
While on one hand we can say there's nothing much to prove the abodes of gods and their relevance or presence other then a few books or relics, on the other the believers might say what else can there be to prove the existence of something or someone.( we're still not clear whether our gods are 'it' or ' him/her'. We talk of them in terms of both as a being as well as a power)
One theory is simple. And relatively quite believable.
What happens when we face a crisis? We wish we had strength to overcome it.
Sure we're strong. But then again, we're humans. 
So the inner strength that every being possesses , the quality to be able to survive in the most lethal conditions, our 'supernatural' powers in critical situations is what we termed as 'god'. The answer to why did our own strength need a name or an identity as something superior to us is simple too. Because we ourselves are not aware of the strength that we possess. Thus, "a supernational power always guides us, it is something which always acts in favour of us." In the language of science, we might as well term it as an adrenaline rush.
Now, what happens when we realise a more powerful source exists and that it has power over our conditions? We begin to fear it. We begin to beg to it for our happiness.
Talking about Hinduism, about which I I know best among all other religions, there is a lot that can be said relating to 'god'.  While there are a lot of monuments and places of historical importance, or, more precisely, of 'godly relevance', the authenticity of the stories related to it stands unestablished. 
Let us take the story of lord Rama for instance. He was said (also written, in Ramayana) to be the first abode of God
My theory  of why he was considered to be 'god' and not any other being is because he possessed qualities like no other- obedience, modesty, grace and a lot more. 
And then Ramayana was  written by a brilliant man called valmiki who decided to propagate the story of the righteous man Rama in the form of an god-tale so that the people took it seriously and also lessoned from it for years. 
Similarly, Mahabharata, Bhagwat Gita and other religious texts were written by people to provide a path or to light the people's paths when they faced crisis. 
Thus, the believers have their faiths, and so do the agnostics and the atheists. Both, have reasons to support their beliefs. 
But beliefs need no reason, do they? So doesn't faith.

Vartika Pandey

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