Friday, 30 October 2015


Once In a small village in India, a little fox told it's father of his desire to eat human flesh. Next day father fox managed to get some pig meat and offered to his son. But the little fox didn't have it. Then the father fox managed to get some cow meat and offered it. The little fox declined to eat that as well. The stubborn little fox was adamant that he will not settle for anything other than human meat.
That night the father fox left the pork in the front of a masjid and the beef in the front of a temple. Next morning the entire village was full of dead humans .
The little fox smiled and ate human flesh for a week, full of happiness because  his father managed to get so much of it.
The fable might be fictitious, but the Fox is for real.
The sacrament cow has held a special place in the hearts of Hindus since time immemorial. Dairy products are extensively used in Hindu culture and are a major source of nutrition in their meals. The reverence a cow is given in India is such that it’s status is equivalent to that of a mother’s and hence the term “gau mata”. Hence its not at all surprising that cows were used as a symbol of wealth in ancient times and have become a  symbol of allegiance to the hindu faith in present society. Kill a man, you might walk out free some day; but if someone even has a whiff of you taking so much as a hair off a cow’s body, God save you my friend!
Intolerance in matters relating to the cows safety isn’t a recent trend. Legend has it that the Chola king Manu Needhi killed his own son to avenge a little calf his chariot crushed. No wonder right wing Hindutva activists didn’t think twice before lynching an old man accused of keeping beef in his house. So much is our love for the mother of all animals that many politicians have proposed giving it the coveted position of national animal of India! Ralph Fitch, an ancient British merchant who visited India during the sixteenth century wrote an account, “They have a very strange order among them - they worship a cow and esteem much of the cow's dung to paint the walls of their houses.”. throughout history we have proved our love for cows; even our revolution for freedom began with the rumor that rifle cartridges were lined with cow fat. We could easily take all atrocities against us, but no one could touch our cows. Even Mahatma Gandhi gathered momentum in his agitation against the British by promising to ban beef in India when India was free from British Raj. Politicians even now use the cow card to gather support, its obviously a tried and tested method.
All said and done, while we should indiscriminately protect all animals from slaughter, it's we who need protecting, because the fox is very real, lurking in every corner of every neighbourhood, waiting for the opportune time to strike, that’s who we need to lynch, for while there is an ever increasing number of cow saviours, rational people who can champion humanity are actually the need of the present hours.

Aisha Jain

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