Monday, 7 September 2015


Gender bias is a major issue across the globe. It refers to favoring either of the genders anywhere, in the society, workplace, school, college, etc. Gender Bias normally is a term put forward to signify the authority that is taken away from a gender, which is normally a truth for females.
                The gender ‘female’ goes through a lot of gender bias issues as men are favored in a lot of place, especially in the work field. Men and women are paid differently at the same level and status of work in an organization, which means that the income of a woman is less than that of a man. Not just this but also the way women are treated in the office or whatever their work place is. They lack opportunities, trust and most importantly the due respect. However, they are put to work much more than men.
                To quote an example: a woman who worked at a multinational company became a victim of gender bias when her colleague, who was a man with less efficiency, but same status was elected as the manager and was paid more. When it is a case of gender bias, then the quality of women, their work efficiency, their potential everything is ignored, without realizing that they can change the whole situation for better and even for the best.
                However, to solve this difficult problem, gender equality is required. Again all the working people whether men or women should be parameterized on the basis of their potential, efficiency, confidence and hard work and according to their gender.
                Gender bias is the result of the mentality that is deeply rooted among the society that a woman is less in every aspect than a man. These kinds of stereotypes should be changed. Women are no less than men. They are the change- makers.


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