These are the people who would protest against France banning the
Islamic veil but shy away from expressing solidarity with women in
Saudi Arabia asserting their right to drive. Here’s an excellent
on such people by Meredith Tax. Fighting
anti-Muslim bigotry is legitimate and even necessary, but it has
unfortunately become intellectually fashionable to go to the other
Coming to South Asia, while there has been some coverage in the
Western media about the gross human rights violations by rogue
elements in the Indian military and paramilitary forces (such as
rapes, fake encounters and forced disappearances) in the
Indian-administered part of Kashmir, that indeed ought to be
condemned (please refer to my article on this very topic, titled ‘We
Want Cameron to Apologize, Will the Indian State Apologize for its
Own Crimes?’), comparatively much less interest,
if any at all, has been taken by these ‘liberals’ in the
grievances of the also mostly Muslim people of Pakistan-administered
Kashmir or even the rather pathetic human rights
record of the Pakistani defence forces in the also Muslim-majority
province of Balochistan (thanks to rogue elements engaging in rapes
and forced disappearances, other than there even having been aerial
bombings). Balochistan, going by international law, actually serves
as an open-and-shut case of deserving the right to self-determination
in the form of being allowed to separate from Pakistan, given that
Balochistan was a sovereign nation-state (like Nepal or Bhutan)
invaded by Pakistan. In the case of Kashmir, the ‘liberals’ cite
United Nations resolution in 1948 calling for a
plebiscite without having read the resolution, for if they had, they
would know that the plebiscite was to be conducted after Pakistan
withdrew its troops from the part of the erstwhile princely state of
Jammu and Kashmir the Pakistani forces had illegally occupied back
then (in the process, engaging in extensive plunder and even raping
women, cutting across religious lines, including some European nuns
they found in a convent and a hospital), and such ‘liberals’ echo
the hypocrisy of the Pakistani state in asking India to conduct a
plebiscite in the part of Kashmir it administers without asking the
Pakistani state to withdraw its troops, though the latter is meant as a
prerequisite for the former, going by the UN resolution they keep
citing, or at least also ask the Pakistani state to conduct a plebiscite
in the part of the erstwhile princely state it governs! In fact, when India was partitioned in 1947, leading to the
creation of Pakistan for Indian Muslims who wished to live in a
separate country (though millions of Indian Muslims chose to not
migrate to Pakistan, opting to stay in secular India, and many of
them were vocal against the partition), India’s policy with respect
to autonomous princely states (states which had been governed by
Indian monarchs) in erstwhile British-ruled India like Jammu and
Kashmir, was to go by the will of the people, rather than by the will
of the ruler, and India did conduct plebiscites in princely states
like Hyderabad and Junagadh it annexed, where the Muslim rulers
fancied ideas of independence or joining Pakistan, but the people
(mostly Hindus), by and large, had sought integration with India, and
indeed, India had to be and even was consistent by also offering such
a plebiscite in the erstwhile princely state of Jammu and Kashmir. In
contrast, Pakistan’s stand was always to go purely by the will of
the ruler, by virtue of which it had sought to engage Hindu-majority
princely states like Hyderabad and Junagadh as also even princely
states where both the ruler and the majority of the populace were
Hindu, like Jodhpur and Jaisalmer, to join it. It had never basically
adopted the principle of a plebiscite, and indeed, as referred to in
passing above, speaking of the then sovereign, Muslim-majority
oil-rich kingdom of Balochistan, which, unlike the other princely
states referred to, was technically not even a part of India under
British rule to begin with, the way Nepal and Bhutan weren’t (the
few regions of Balochistan that the British had occupied were
returned to the monarch before Pakistan and India attained
independence), Pakistan coercively annexed the same, making it its
province, against the wishes of both the ruler and most of the people
(in fact, those who allege the US military occupation of Iraq in 2003
to have been carried out to control oil reserves shouldn’t be so
tight-lipped about Balochistan). And those pointing to the
pro-Pakistan rebellion in the Poonch region of Jammu and Kashmir back
in 1948 would do well to read this
article of mine.
Furthermore, going by my experience, I know that some Kashmiri
separatists would argue that the United Nations resolution, when
proved to not be what they claim it to be, is irrelevant and that
international law itself is a conspiracy of the Western powers. So,
when they thought the UN resolution suited them, they were all for
it, but when they realize it doesn’t suit their agenda,
international law should be trashed, and do they visualize the
independent country they wish to create not joining the United
Nations, and can international law in itself be equated with its weak
enforcement mechanisms? They would then assert that the right to
self-determination ought to be absolute, which is to say that any
part of any country should be allowed to just unilaterally secede at
will (which overlooks that every part of any country belongs to the
other countrymen as much as those residing in that specific part and
no, that is not what the International Court of Justice said in the
Kosovo advisory opinion; all it said was that to claim statehood, the
criterion of recognition from other states should be satisfied, but
it did not say that Serbia has to cease accepting Kosovo as its
part), but their leadership does not want to give this right to the
people of the Hindu-majority region of Jammu and Buddhist-majority
region of Ladakh once the sovereign state they envisage comes into
Those who would tend to point to my Indian nationality and allege a
nationalist bias on my part would do well to incisively refute what I
have specifically stated, without resorting to whataboutery and
dragging other matters, rather than allege prejudice without any
basis. In fact, far from stereotyping the Pakistani Muslim populace
in a negative fashion, I am always eager to point out to my Indian
compatriots that there
are very many liberal intellectuals among the Pakistani Muslims,
that the
condition of non-Muslims and women in Pakistan isn’t as pitiable as
many imagine (though
the international community should be more proactive about issues
like the blasphemy law in that country, often misused against
Christians, as also the stifling of the Ahmedias’ religious freedom
by law, other than frequent rapes, abductions and forced conversions
of Hindu girls in rural Sindh by Muslim extremists), and I also
condemned the attack on a Pakistani student in India in unambiguous
terms in an
article I wrote for a leading Pakistani media house.
And I may also clarify that my expression of solidarity with the
Baloch right to self-determination is not the official stand of the
Indian government, owing to considerations of realpolitik (though
Tiwari, a prominent Indian political leader in an opposition party,
has advocated a more nuanced and assertive approach to the Baloch
question on the part of the Indian state, though still falling short
of saying that the Indian state ought to not recognize Balochistan as
a part of Pakistan), but my concern in this article
is primarily with independent ‘liberals’ globally who claim to
speak for freedom and peace across the globe.
Much of the commentary about India in the international media has
focused on the Hindu right, and far from
exhibiting an anti-Muslim bias
as the Western media often subtly does while covering news related to
the West, speaking of India, it
often even shied away from referring to those specific Pakistanis who
made Mumbai bleed in November 2008 “terrorists”, and instead,
just used terms like “attackers” and “gunmen”,
and those advancing conspiracy theories about those terrorist attacks
ought to read this
piece. The international media often subtly
exaggerates the importance of the Hindu right in India, using phrases
like “Hindu nationalist” for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP),
one of India’s leading national parties and which is currently in
power in India’s central government, in totally unrelated contexts
such as telephone licenses or maritime disputes with China, though
they do not keep prefixing such phrases while referring to, say, the
Republican Party in the United States, and indeed, non-Hindus (if the
word ‘Hindu’ is defined in its conventional religious context) in
India, like Muslims and Christians, on the whole, do lead normal
lives, going to schools, colleges, offices, restaurants and movie
theatres alongside Hindus, even in the BJP-ruled Indian provinces. In
fact, in some provinces of India like Madhya Pradesh and Goa, Muslims
and Christians are actually even known to vote for the BJP in large
numbers owing to its good track record at economic development in
those particular provinces. Sporadic instances of riots that
unfortunately do take place in India are not restricted only to
BJP-ruled provinces, and indeed, many Hindus too lose their lives in
riots and terrorist attacks in India. I am not stating these facts
for the sake of defending the BJP, a political party I have no
affinity to and which I
have criticized for blocking legislative debates in parliament
as also having financially corrupt elements (like all the other
mainstream Indian political parties), and even resorting
to religion-based divisive politics on some occasions, such
as recently raising the bogey of ‘love jihad’
(though ‘secular’ Indian political parties have also played
religion-based politics in their own way, as discussed subsequently
in this article) and some of its members having played an active or
passive role in riots (though many other political parties are not
clean on that front, either, be it the Congress, Samajwadi Party or
even the Trinamool Congress) among other things (including some that
would be mentioned subsequently in this very article), but to clarify
that Indian politics is not as oversimplified as the international
media makes it out to be.
Speaking of the emergence of Narendra Modi as India’s prime
minister, very many ‘liberals’ in the international media have
only sought to highlight Modi’s alleged complicity in an
undoubtedly horrendous carnage that erupted in the Indian province of
Gujarat in 2002 (in which an overwhelming majority of the victims
were indeed Muslims, but in which hundreds of Hindus also did lose
their lives and were rendered homeless by Muslim rioters, as has been
pointed out by Human
Rights Watch and respectable media publications in
India like The
Hindu, which is a favourite of left-liberals, the
of India and India
Today; but of course, non-Muslim victims do not
count for the ‘liberals’, though I am not, in the least, seeking
to undermine the harsh reality of the pain of the Muslim victims,
some of whom I had a chance to interact and even develop close
personal relations with in my five-year-long stay in Gujarat as a
university student), failing to highlight that Indians at large were
peeved at the corruption, inflation and slowdown in economic growth
under the regime led by the ‘secular’ Congress party, or that
India’s Supreme Court has declared secularism to be a basic,
inalienable feature of the constitution that cannot be abrogated by
parliament or that the BJP had apparently actually lost the last two
national elections in 2004 and 2009 in great measure because of its
hard-line Hindu rightist image or even how Modi, by undertaking
a fast for inter-religious harmony and emphasizing the need for the
same in his many election rallies and interviews,
signaled to the electorate that his plank for coming to power would
be good and clean governance rather than the chauvinistic assertion
of a Hindu identity (whether he has undergone a genuine
transformation or not is not the point I am seeking to highlight
here, but rather that many of those people who voted for him expected
him to only engage in development work without religion-based
politics, and felt assured by his repeated utterances to this effect
during the election campaign), and much of the 38.5% of the Indian
electorate that did vote for his party and its allies (the votes in
very many constituencies got divided in favour of political parties
in opposition to the BJP – to explain this in simplified terms,
imagine a hypothetical scenario with only ten voters in which three
votes go to one candidate and the seven others go to seven different
candidates, leading the candidate with just three out of ten votes to
win, which implies that while the majority of the Indian electorate
did not vote for Modi, there was hardly any consensus on an
alternative) voted for him on that basis, rather than based on
religious fault-lines, and those voting for him even included a
sizable number of Muslims.
While speaking of the carnage in Gujarat in 2002, the ‘liberals’
often gloss over the fact that hundreds of Hindu rioters, including
Hindu politicians like Maya Kodnani (and Muslim rioters as well),
have been convicted (and indeed, rightfully so) by the Indian
judiciary and so have several police personnel for dereliction of
On the other hand, there is another set of victims these ‘liberals’
seldom have time for, and these are the Kashmiri Hindus (also known
as the Kashmiri Pandits). When the secessionist Islamist militancy
(the terms ‘Islamist’ and ‘Islamic’ are not the same,
‘Islamist’ referring to a totalitarian ideology of imposing
supposedly Islamic values as also a sense of hostility to
non-Muslims) erupted in Kashmir in 1989-90 as a reaction against an
allegedly rigged election and suppression of peaceful protests
against the same by the Indian state (no, I am not absolving the
Indian state of wrongdoings, and it is indeed necessary for all sides
in a conflict to accept the truth for there to be reconciliation),
hundreds of innocent Kashmiri Hindu civilians were killed on account
of their faith and pro-India political convictions, being seen as
extensions of the Indian state (like innocent
Tamil Muslims in Sri Lanka were targeted by Tamil Hindu secessionist
insurgents, for not having shared the same secessionist aspirations),
which was especially sad, given there had been near to complete
Hindu-Muslim harmony in the Kashmir valley when the subcontinent was
engulfed with riots during the partition of India (that led to the
creation of Muslim-majority Pakistan) back in 1947, and a Kashmiri
Hindu friend of mine once shared with me how his maternal
grandfather, who was in Lahore in Pakistan at the time of the
partition riots, traveled to his also Muslim-majority Kashmir, where
it was safe. Many Muslim doctors in the Kashmir valley refused to
cure the Kashmiri Hindus injured in attacks by militants in 1989-90,
leading them to succumb to their injuries, and the refusal by those
Muslim doctors had to do either with endorsement of the militants’
activities or out of fear of the militants, for the militants didn’t
hesitate to shoot down even Muslims they perceived as enemies (and
indeed, many Kashmiri Muslims seen as having a pro-India posturing,
like ailing bed-ridden cleric Maulana Masoodi, were actually gunned
down by the militants, similar
to Professor Asali, a Middle Eastern Muslim, having to pay for his
critique of the ISIS for its maltreatment of Middle Eastern
Christians with his own life, or how many moderate
Sri Lankan Tamil Hindus were killed by terrorists from their own
community). The killings were often accompanied by rapes and other
atrocities, other than many non-combatant Kashmiri Muslims shouting
slogans from mosques asking the Kashmiri Hindus to leave, leading an
overwhelming majority of the Kashmiri Hindus who had till then
survived the militancy to make an exit from the valley (some tolerant
Kashmiri Muslims gave their Hindu friends asylum in their homes in
those troubled times and helped them escape safely, just like Kurdish
Muslims in the Middle East have recently been trying to protect
Yazidis from the ISIS), which had been their
homeland for centuries. Some Hindus, on leaving the valley, died of
sunstroke and stress, and on making the exit from the valley, they
were made to live in shoddy tents in the midst of insects and
scorpions, by the Indian government.
Strangely enough, there is a conspiracy theory circulating in Kashmir
that there was no major threat to the Hindu minority and they left
their homes only to malign the Muslims in the valley, and here’s a
well-written piece by Kashmiri Hindu writer Rahul Pandita
(who has, by the way, also taken a firm stand against wrongdoings by
rogue elements in the Indian security forces against Kashmiri
Muslims, saying that he has lost his home but not his humanity)
exposing the hollowness of this theory. There are, however, several
rational and intellectually honest Kashmiri Muslims (including some I
know personally, such as pro-India Kashmiri Sunni writer Sualeh Keen,
whose brilliantly
articulated defence of Rahul Pandita’s book Our
Moon Has Blood Clots against
the allegations leveled by one Kashmiri separatist Gowhar Fazili
is a must-read!), even among the separatists, who do not subscribe to
this ludicrous conspiracy theory. Basharat Peer, a Kashmiri
separatist writer, author of the acclaimed non-fiction novel Curfewed
Night belongs
to this category, and even a prominent former
militant Yasin Malik has acknowledged
that militants had targeted the Kashmiri Hindus in those “dark”
days of 1989-90 (interestingly, there is as much rationale to hold
Malik, a hero of very many Kashmiri Muslims, guilty, certainly at
least by association, of the Kashmiri Hindus’ killings, as to hold
Modi guilty of the anti-Muslim carnage in Gujarat in 2002, but there
is a deafening silence against Yasin Malik in ‘liberal’ circles)
and some of them have even taken up the Kashmiri Hindus’ cause in
the United Nations human rights bodies. Unlike in the case of the
carnage in Gujarat in 2002, none of the militants who targeted
Kashmiri Hindus have been convicted. In fact, the local Kashmiri
Muslim policemen didn’t even pursue the cases against the murderers
of the Kashmiri Hindus seriously, leading the perpetrators of these
crimes to not be convicted. In one such case involving militant Bitta
Karate, who had confessed to his crimes in a recorded interview, the
judge was led to remark–
“The court is aware of the fact that the allegations leveled
against the accused are of serious nature and carry a punishment of
death sentence or life imprisonment but the fact is that the
prosecution has shown total disinterest in arguing the case...”
Like the killings of Muslims by Hindu extremists in Gujarat, this too
has been a sad Indian reality. Even the writer Arunadhati Roy, who
has been a strong supporter of the Kashmiris’ right to secede from
India (a conviction I do not share), has, to her credit (and I say so
despite not in the least being her fan), unlike many of her somewhat
like-minded comrades, been intellectually honest enough to state
clearly that what she describes as the freedom
struggle in Kashmir “cannot by any means call itself pristine, and
will always be stigmatised by, and will some day”, she says she
hopes, “have to account for, among other things, the brutal
killings of Kashmiri Pandits in the early years of the uprising,
culminating in the exodus of almost the entire Hindu community from
the Kashmir valley.”
Even after most of the Kashmiri Hindus left the valley in 1989-90,
there have been sporadic incidents of mass murders of those who chose
to stay back, perhaps the most significant example being the Wandhama
massacre of 1998. However, it is noteworthy that even prior to the
eruption of the militancy in 1989, in spite of largely peaceful
relations between the Hindus and Muslims of the valley, the minority
Hindu community had seen its share of violence and vandalism, for
example, in 1963, when what was believed to be a strand of Prophet
Muhammad’s hair was stolen from a shrine in the valley or in 1986
in the town of Anantnag, and sporadically on other occasions too,
like stones being thrown at their houses if India won a cricket match
against Pakistan.
Now that Modi has become the prime minister of India, the ‘liberals’
are looking for every excuse to nitpick any minor incident, blow it
out of proportion and try to suggest that India is just on the verge
of becoming a Hindu fascist state, or that India’s Hindu majority
can, in general, be stigmatized as being, or emerging soon enough as,
oppressive. While they may not explicitly say so, the intended
psychological projection is quite clear.
Take, for instance, the case of the force-feeding of a Muslim caterer
during Ramadan by a certain Hindu politician, doing so expressing
displeasure over the quality of food, which though reported by the
Western media, with a
leading British newspaper going to the extent of saying that “the
incident is likely to fan concern among Muslims and other religious
minorities over Modi's Hindu nationalist government”,
was actually just a one-off incident that has been condemned by
veteran BJP leader LK Advani, and indeed, it certainly did not become
a cause of worry for rational Indian Muslims with respect to their
freedom to practise their faith with Modi as prime minister (Modi
himself had greeted Muslims at the outset of Ramadan). The politician
in question has apologized and has also said that he did not know
that the caterer was a Muslim (which is also indeed possible), though
obviously, it is inappropriate to force-feed a caterer just because
you don’t like the food, even if you don’t know his religion.
But that apart, while there has justifiably been some outcry over
this matter from ‘liberal’ quarters, there had been an almost
deafening silence on the part of such ‘intellectuals’ over the
issue of the
discontinuing of midday meals for even non-Muslim primary school
students in certain regions in the province of Kerala back in August
2013 by the ‘secular’ government in that
province led by the Congress party, with the obvious intention of
appeasing Muslims! The BJP unit in Kerala rightly raised its voice
against this move. Indeed, very many such instances of minority
appeasement by India’s ‘secular’ parties can be cited, and have
been mentioned in my article ‘Going
Beyond the Discourse on Indian Secularism’.
However, a recent development that I would like to draw attention to
is the incident of a pilgrimage undertaken by about forty Kashmiri
Hindus to Kosur Nag, a lake in the Kashmir valley they regard as
sacred. Kashmiri separatists staged protests against the move. One
reason cited by them for the same was concern for the ecology of the
region, even though their silence on ecological issues confronting
the valley, such as filth in lakes meant to be tourist attractions or
houses being constructed on what has been officially earmarked as
forest land, for decades since the Hindus have left, has indeed been
deafening, and as my Kashmiri Hindu acquaintance Aalok Aima, who,
not letting his personal suffering adversely affect his sense of
impartiality, has always very vociferously opposed anti-Muslim
hate-mongering by Hindu extremists, objected to the demand of some
fellow Kashmiri Hindus to have a separate centrally administered
province called Panun Kashmir carved out of the Kashmir valley only
for their Kashmiri Hindu community, which would involve the
displacement of Kashmiri Muslims, and strongly condemned human rights
violations in Kashmir by rogue elements in the Indian security
forces, points out in connection with those Muslim separatists in
Kashmir who opposed the pilgrimage (not Kashmiri Muslims in general)
– “they tried to fig-leaf their naked hate-mongering with
environmental concerns while they themselves have been raping the
environment of Kashmir” (further adding that the incident “is
especially disappointing” for Kashmiri Hindus like himself “who
have repeatedly and resolutely spoken against the demand of Panun
Kashmir”). My Kashmiri Hindu friend Raju Moza, who is also not in
the least anti-Muslim and like Alok Aima, has vocally taken a firm
stand for Muslim victims and is against the demand for Panun Kashmir,
also points
out in the light of the increasing environmental
degradation in the valley since the 1990s and the apathy of the
separatist leadership to the same that “(u)nder such circumstances,
it is clear that 40-odd people on a pilgrimage would not have caused
great harm to the environment.”
Syed Ali Shah Geelani, a popular Kashmiri Muslim leader who advocates
the merger of India-administered Kashmir with Pakistan, and even
offered prayers for Osama bin Laden calling him a martyr when the
dreaded terrorist was killed, also suggested that this pilgrimage was
actually an attempt to engage in land-grabs, the likes of which the
Zionists had engaged in back in 1948! While the Zionists in 1948
claimed lands that could have belonged to them centuries ago, based
on what may have indeed been mythical claims and violating the
sovereignty of the then existing Palestinian state, here are a people
who hail from the Kashmir valley and lived in it until a few decades
ago, and visiting a lake for a pilgrimage is certainly no land-grab!
As Raju Moza rightly points
out, given that many Kashmiri Hindus had migrated
for jobs and other such reasons elsewhere in India even before the
insurgency erupted, “(i)f the Indian government had the will,
vision and intention to change the demography of the region, it could
have resettled the people who had left much earlier, long before the
tensions that began in the early 1990s.”
Stranger still, some Kashmiri Muslim separatists even argued that
this pilgrimage was not really a part of Kashmiri Hindu culture and
was just a mere fabrication, even though ancient
texts like the Nilmat Puran
and Kathasaritsagar refer to this pilgrimage, as do accounts of
mediaeval Muslim chroniclers like Abul Fazl.
Baseless as the contentions of those protesting against the
pilgrimage undoubtedly were, what was indeed even more disturbing was
that the government of the Muslim-majority province of Jammu and
Kashmir actually accepted the demand of the protesting Muslims,
stopping the pilgrimage, and a set of victims displaced from their
homeland were victimized yet again, in spite of Modi being India’s
prime minister, without any murmur of protest from ‘liberals’ in
the Western media who do not hesitate to bash the Indian state in
connection with the problems of the Kashmiri Muslims and non-Kashmiri
Indian Muslims.
What was even more shocking was that the BJP did not take a strong
stand on this issue, and the present home minister of India, Rajnath
Singh, who is in the BJP, in a
speech in parliament, trivialized the forced
displacement of the Hindus of the valley, calling it a migration,
tried to suggest that while the Kosur Nag pilgrimage, though a real
pilgrimage, had not been a very regular one (how is that relevant?)
and that the incident of them being barred access for the pilgrimage
had no bearing on the Kashmiri Hindus being rehabilitated in their
homeland, as if the Kashmiri Hindus, on seeing this incident of being
denied pilgrimage access, would feel encouraged to return to Kashmir
and settle down there for good! Interestingly, following that,
Kalvakuntla Kavitha, a member of parliament from the Telangana
Rashtra Samithi (TRS), a party which otherwise has an image of
appeasing Muslims, delivered a
speech taking a firm stand for the Kashmiri Hindus.
Very many Hindu temples in the valley have unfortunately already
been demolished or damaged (though some have
interestingly been protected and maintained by tolerant Muslims, this being one of many examples) and
the Western media would do well to also highlight issues like these,
aside from continuing to emphatically condemn hate crimes by Hindu
extremists against Muslims and Christians. Indeed, I do not buy the
bizarre implicit line of reasoning advanced by some Hindu rightists
to the effect that the crimes of some people of their ilk drawing
more attention than the mass murders of the Kashmiri Hindus or the
appeasement of Muslims by ‘secular’ Indian political parties
somehow implies that the crimes by Hindu rightists can be condoned or
justified, as though a more highlighted wrongdoing is a less of a
wrongdoing than a less highlighted one only by virtue of it being
supposedly disproportionately highlighted comparatively! I have
written an e-book available for free download, titled ‘Anti-Muslim
Prejudices in the Indian Context: Addressing and Dispelling Them’,
in which I have sought to burst the balloon of the Hindu rightist
discourse in India, and I have also written a short story titled ‘The
All-Pervasive Politics of Rhetoric’, demonstrating
how, in many ways, Muslim extremism in Kashmir and Hindu extremism in
the rest of India are two sides of the same coin, in terms of the
rhetoric they employ. However, it must be noted that Muslim extremism
in Kashmir has been strong enough to uproot Kashmiri Hindus from
their homeland and recently put a stop to their pilgrimage, and even
lead Muslim girls who had formed a rock band to dissolve the same
owing to pressure from orthodox clergy. On the other hand, Hindu
rightist groups have not been as successful at moral policing, as can
be seen from the fact that they haven’t been able to stop the
celebration of Valentine’s Day as they would desire, the way the
Muslim extremists in Kashmir were able to have the rock band
dissolved. And yes, Muslims living in other, Hindu-majority provinces
of India do indeed largely enjoy complete religious freedom, the Haj
for them, and even Kashmiri Muslims, even having being subsidized by
the Indian government for many decades, other than having made a mark
in all walks of life, be it cinema, other fine arts, sports,
politics, business or serving in the Indian security forces and
intelligence agencies. This spirit of religious pluralism in India
(in spite of occasional friction) is not, by any means, easily
fragile, and the change in faces of those in power primarily have to
do with economic aspirations. Those criticizing Hindu rightist
political forces in India (which is certainly legitimate) ought to
also acknowledge that the supposedly secular political parties in
India have actually reduced the noble and sacrosanct principle of
secularism into appeasement of the Muslim and Christian minorities to
garner votes, other than taking into account that voting patterns are
not determined only by considerations of religious identity but also,
as mentioned earlier, economic aspirations.
At the time of writing this article (20th August 2014),
less than three weeks have passed since the permission being denied
for the pilgrimage, and the
Kashmiri Hindus have now sought permission for the pilgrimage yet
again. If the ‘liberals’ believe that their
liberalism applies in the context of non-Muslim victims of
wrongdoings by Muslims too, they ought to express their solidarity.
Strangely, some elements among the Kashmiri Muslims seem to believe
that they
ought to have a veto over who is allowed to visit the valley, as is
evident from
this article in a Kashmiri newspaper (that article
has even resorted to misrepresentation, as you can see here).
Actually, impartiality is necessary for its own sake, but even other
than that, those seeking to stand up for the rights of Muslims also
need to understand that their narratives, if biased (and silence also
does suggest bias), when exposed as such, only end up strengthening
their ideological opponents, the anti-Muslim right-wingers. I believe
that non-Muslim ‘liberals’ wrongly misconstrue all those people
with the mildest anti-Muslim prejudice (it is worth noting that the
degree of anti-Muslim prejudice among those who do bear such
prejudice varies in degree, and it is also true that very many
Muslims, to varying degrees, harbour prejudice against Jews, Hindus
and/or Westerners, as many Muslims themselves concede) to be the likes who actually maltreat Muslims, and
hence, presume that Muslims in general are an oppressed lot, though
as a matter of fact, most non-Muslims, even those with some degree of
Islamophobia, usually don’t translate their prejudices, if any, in
their actual interactions with individual Muslims, and often do even
have close friendships with some. Most Muslims are not subjected to
slurs to their faces or other kinds of maltreatment on a daily basis
(indeed, one wouldn’t have witnessed such things frequently), and
many of them have, in the West, Israel (within its borders, not
speaking of the occupied Palestinian territories) and India, made it
big in all walks of life, even hailing from humble backgrounds, and
in fact, they actually enjoy better security and civil liberties in
these places than even Muslims, leave alone non-Muslim minorities, in
many Muslim-majority countries do. Also, while non-Muslims in the
West, India and Israel are free to embrace Islam as their faith, as
Malcolm X and Michael Jackson did (and in India, AR Rehman, a
celebrity music composer, is a convert to Islam from Hinduism), many
Islamic states prohibit apostasy from Islam, and yes, while other
religious groupings with a history predating Muslims have undergone
their churning to conform to a modern understanding of human rights,
which is an ongoing process and is still not complete (Catholic
fanatics in the United States bombing abortion clinics and heinous
caste-based hate crimes among certain sections of Hindus, among other
things, bear testimony to that), for Muslims, it does still have a
long way to go, as is evident from the legal systems of very many
Muslim-majority countries, including supposedly forward-looking ones
like Malaysia (where there were severe restrictions on Shi’ites’
religious freedom) and the UAE (where a
woman needs four male witnesses to prove rape, failing which she is
booked for adultery!).
Trying to tell Hindus, Jews and Westerners in general that they are
all, by and large, oppressors of Muslims or to even subtly
rationalize (even if not justify) Muslim extremism by pointing to the
wrongdoings of non-Muslims against Muslims but never applying the
same logic the other way round to rationalize anti-Muslim rightist
movements by pointing to the wrongdoings of Muslims (and indeed,
intra-Muslim sectarian clashes, which do erupt even in India where
Muslims are themselves a minority, in
places like Lucknow, or the kind of intolerance
that has been exhibited to the tiny, harmless Yazidi minority in Iraq
cannot be explained as a retaliation against oppression by any
non-Muslim entity, but simply borne out of religious intolerance, as
was indeed historically also the case with Hindu rulers like
Pushyamitra Shunga and Mihirakula who targeted Buddhists or even the
Portuguese Christian invaders in Goa who forcibly converted many
Hindus to Christianity) is certainly not the solution to the problem
of anti-Muslim bigotry, nor is glossing over the wrongdoings of
Muslim extremists, as was the case even with many ‘liberals’ with
respect to this recent pilgrimage by Kashmiri Hindus to their holy
place in their homeland. If the concern is that condemning Muslim
rightists would strengthen anti-Muslim rightists (though going by
this logic, the same concern should also apply vice versa), then all
one needs to do is to talk about both and condemn both in the same
vein, as also keep emphasizing that there are Muslims who don’t
support the extremists in their religious grouping, as I have in this
very article!
I can sense a reader’s possible discomfort at this piece opening a
Pandora’s box of questions related to tackling the issue of
political Islam (also given my strong opposition to anti-Muslim
bigotry), but not offering any clear answers. What the solution to
the problem can be in my humble opinion is something I have discussed
at considerable length in this
other piece of mine.
The author would like to thank Aalok Aima and Raju Moza. Other
than the points on which they have been quoted, the views expressed
in the article are to only be attributed to the author. The author
would like to thank Snehashish Laik for his help and support for this
article, as also Rahul Pandita for having posted on his Facebook
profile about the speeches of Rajnath Singh and Kalvakuntla Kavitha,
but the views expressed in the piece, but for the quotations, are to
be attributed only to the author.
Karmanye Thadani
Karmanye Thadani
ReplyDeletePandemic created Pandemonium in the poverty-stricken pathetic lives of #Weavers #Handlooms & #Powerlooms in my native #Telangana and all across #India.
Besides Health Hazard, Weavers Economy devastated.
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